Unboxing Video Reviews
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Soundfonts & Blade effects
The RGB S16 core included 16 Preinstalled Soundfonts:Whispers of Power, The Teacher, The Second, The Learner, The Dark Lord Revisited, The Champion, Serenity, Idyll, Hatred, Dark Ages, Cyber Terror, Codex of Light, Luke Skywalker, Scavenger Rey, Ray Skywalker, Master Yoda.
The S-RGB & SNV4 Pro core included 27 Preinstalled Soundfonts:Ahsoka, Anakin, Blue Lady Master, Depa, Darth Maul, Dookula, DSR, Emperor, Fallen Order Cal, Frolic Frog (Yoda), Graflex IX (Rev 9), Grumpy Ben (Kylo Ren), Inquisitor, Luke Skywalker, Mace Windu, Mando Saber, Master Mundi, Obi Wan EP3, Quin VOS, Revanchist (Blue), Revanchist (Red), Temple Guard, TFU Secret Apprentice (Star Killer), The Lost Sister, The Princess, Tulak Hord, Vader.
The Proffie core included 25 Preinstalled Soundfonts:Angelic Plazma, Animation, Boba S1E5 Mando, Darth Maul, DSR, Electric Essence, Emperor, FallenOrder Calbundle, Jump Bike, Jurassic, L-Skywalker, Obi EP3, RgueCmdr, Sebulba, SmthFuzz, SmthGrey, SmthJedi, StarGate, TeenysSF, The Begginer, The Prize, Tracks, TthCrstl, Ultron, UnHinged.
The RGB core have 4 blade effects:Stable, pulse, ghost, blaster.
The Neopixel(SNV4 Pro & Proffie V2.2) core have 9 blade effects:Stable/Unstable/Pulse/Wave/Ghost/Cross/Infinite/Rainbow/Fire.
Confidential Package Contents
RGB core: Handle*1, Blade*1, , Tool kit*1, Manual*1, Charging cord or Charging case*1
Neopixel core:Handle*1, Blade*1, Tool kit*1, Manual*1, Charging cord or Charging case*1,blade plug*1,display stand*1

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