Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker: Origins

Anakin Skywalker is Shmi Skywalker's child. Born in Tatooine, a desert planet. Anakin was a slave in his early life before Qui-Gon Jinn discovered him in Tatooine. Master Qui-Gon recognized his strong connection to the Force and believed that he was the prophesied 'Chosen One'.

Qui-Gon was impressed with Anakin's Force potential. Hence, he and his former Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi took Anakin under their wing. After Qui-Gon's demise against Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi officially took Anakin as his Padawan, training him to be a Jedi Knight.

Who is Anakin's Father?

Anakin is believed to have no father. He's conceived through the Force, making his Force connection exceptionally strong. Due to this, Anakin's Force potential is visible from a young age, leading to the belief that he is the Chosen One.

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Anakin's Lightsaber

Anakin wields many lightsabers during his time as a Jedi. Notorious for his recklessness, he's lost many lightsabers over the years. Some notable times when he loses his lightsaber are:

  • During the Geonosis Arena Battle
  • Duel with Count Dooku
  • Chancellor Palpatine's rescue
  • Duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi

The most significant loss is during his final battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan took Anakin's lightsaber as a token of loss, later passing it to Anakin's son, Luke.

The black and silver hilted lightsaber is the Skywalker family legacy. Luke wields this lightsaber against Vader in Cloud City. Later, this lightsaber ended up with Rey, continuing the Skywalker legacy.

Anakin EP3

Lightsaber Form

Anakin uses the Form V: Djem So. This form is known for its aggressiveness, agility, and forceful counterattacks. The users of this form are people who seek to overwhelm their opponents with brute strength and physical power. This form suits Anakin's personality well. With this form, Anakin is adept in defense-into-attack tactics.

Interested in Anakin's lightsaber form? Read this deep dive for more info.

Clone Wars & Transition to Darth Vader

Anakin Skywalker, after becoming a Jedi Knight, served as a Jedi General in the Clone Wars. He's respected as the 501st Troop's commander. Despite his position, Anakin is still a reckless and impulsive Jedi Knight. Hence, to give him a sense of responsibility, Yoda appointed him as Ahsoka Tano's master.

During the Clone Wars, Anakin falls in love with Senator Padme Amidala and marries her on her home planet Naboo. By way of the Jedi Order, their love is forbidden. This leads them to keep it a secret. However, this secret relationship strained Anakin's relationship with the Jedi Order. He became disillusioned with the Order.

To make matters worse, Anakin received visions of Padme's death. He became obsessed with saving her, preventing her death in any way he could. His good friend Chancellor Palpatine (who turns out to be Darth Sidious) sensed Anakin's turmoil and manipulated him to the Dark side.

Palpatine suggests that he knows how to cheat death and save Padme. Anakin, desperate for a way to save his wife, fell for the trap. He swore his allegiance to the Sith Lord and was given the name Darth Vader.

Anakin, now Vader, followed orders to purge the Jedi. His betrayal put him in conflict with his wife and mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. This conflict comes to a head when Obi-Wan and Anakin duel in the lava river.

The loss of this duel and his wife's death solidifies Anakin's resolve to the Dark side. As Vader, he helps Palpatine build the Galactic Empire and sow fear in the galaxy. He went on this journey until he learned about his son, Luke.

With Luke's aid, Vader found some good in him and redeemed himself by killing Emperor Palpatine. This fulfils his prophecy as the Chosen One, bringing balance to the Force.