Japanese Star Wars Poster Designs: An Exclusive Treasure for Collectors and Fans – CXSABER™ Skip to content

Japanese Star Wars Poster Designs: An Exclusive Treasure for Collectors and Fans

Many avid Star Wars collectors have long coveted unique items made specifically for the Japanese market, whether they be toys, food giveaways, apparel, or posters. Since the days of the original trilogy in the late 1970s and early 1980s, marketing teams around the world have been creating various poster campaigns for Star Wars to appeal to the tastes and sensibilities of local audiences, resulting in a rich variety of advertising imagery. However, this tradition changed during the prequel era, when global markets began to use the same advertising imagery, with the exception of the United States, which did not favor the expanded poster campaigns seen in Europe and Asia. In recent years, some regions, including Japan, have begun to revive unique poster designs, providing fans and collectors with the opportunity to add unique posters to their collections. With Star Wars Celebration set to return to Japan in 2025, StarWars.com is taking a fresh look at some of these rare items.

Below are 12 Japanese Star Wars movie poster designs and/or illustrations that have not been used anywhere else and will be particularly attractive to fans looking to collect a specific title (or every title!). There are no prequel posters here as there were no posters made specifically for Japan during that era.


1. Star Wars Forward:

In June 1978, "Star Wars: A New Hope" was released in Japan, and its trailer conveyed the majestic atmosphere of the film's upcoming release through a dark blue starry sky, silver ink logo, and attractive slogans.

Seito 发行的《星球大战》

2. Star Wars released by Seito:

Two main release posters were used in Japan, one a photomontage also used in Korea, and the other an illustrated version drawn by artist Seito, which mimicked the composition of the American poster designed by Tom Jung.

星球大战 1982 年日语配音,由大井纪吉 (Noriyoshi Ohrai) 配音

3. Star Wars 1982 Japanese Dubbed Version

This informal poster design, associated with a special release theatrical screening, presents the theme of A New Hope through beautiful illustrations.



4. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Photo Montage

This version utilized design techniques common in Japan at the time, resulting in a bright and vivid visual effect.



5. Progress of "Revenge of the Jedi":

This rare poster shows the working title and is unlike any other poster, making it highly collectible.


星球大战:绝地归来照片拼贴 #1

6. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Photo Collage 1

These posters uniquely showcase themes and key scenes from Return of the Jedi.

星球大战:绝地归来照片拼贴 #2


7.Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Photo Collage 2

This photo collage poster for Return of the Jedi likely follows the version above, as Ewoks are depicted in the composition. The Ewoks were kept under wraps before and during the movie's release because their appearance was a surprise. Luke's battle-ready pose and the configuration of the characters around him look very similar to the more widely circulated Return of the Jedi poster drawn by Kazuhiko Sano, and likely took stylistic cues from that poster.


8. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi “Starfall” Poster:

This illustration, created by Noriyoshi Ohrai, features C-3PO and R2-D2 in dramatic poses with unique visual appeal.



9. Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure:

This poster shows the heroes and evil threats in the story, with a strong adventurous atmosphere.




10. Ewoks: The Battle of Endor:

These unique photo collage posters showcase the film's fantasy appeal against a backdrop of blue Endorian skies.



11. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story:

This Japan-exclusive poster shows off a unique perspective of Jyn Erso and the massive Death Star.

游侠索罗:星球大战外传 日本海报

12. Solo: A Star Wars Story:

The poster features new and iconic characters posing beneath the charging Millennium Falcon, showcasing all-new action and adventure.

Star Wars Celebration will be held in Japan from April 18 to 20, 2025, and tickets will go on sale on May 2. These unique Japanese Star Wars posters will become precious exhibits at the celebration, attracting the attention of countless fans and collectors.